I’ve given this a couple of tries, so I figured I’d report on it.
My wife gave me a small starter CNC router for Christmas. I wanted to try it out and see if it was something I would want to expand on.
With something new like this, I won’t get a whole lot out of putting it together and running a test file that came with the machine. It’s a tool, and I want to use it to make things I want or need. I already had an idea for the first project.
I used Easel to design a small shop fixture. The parts cut out from the two files would fit together to make a tool holder to hang on the wall.

I got the router assembled, my stock anchored down, and started cutting.

The router completed the first file. The parts were supposed to be cut all the way out, but it only cut about a third of the way through the 1/4″ plywood I was using. I’ve tried using both Easel as the control software and the GRBL controller that came with the router. I got the same results from both runs.

I’m sure I’ve got something wrong in my design file. I’m figuring this out as I go.
It’s still a cool idea, so I’ll keep plugging away.