I try to make it by a local salvage/antique store once or twice a month. They always have a little bit of everything, including a few old tools. I had a couple of minutes when I was in the area today, so I dropped in to see what they had.
The first thing I found was an adze. I don’t see a mark or stamp from the maker. Its in good shape, just some rust and a little pitting. When I handed it to the owner, he said ” Hey, that’s my doorstop!”. Well, it had a price tag on it, so now its mine.
I may clean it up and restore it like it is, but I might have other plans for it. Either way, it’s done holding doors open.

The second thing I found was a small Millers-Falls v-gouge. It looks like it was originally sold in a set of five carving tools, the Millers-Falls Carving Set No. 107. I don’t know the fate of it’s four brothers, but all this one needs is a little polishing, and a sharp edge.